JSS Mahavidyapeetha

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru    

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Six UG programs are Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Recognized under 2(f) University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka. Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka.

National Innovation and Start-up Policy 2019 for Students and Faculty


To facilitate young entrepreneurs with novel ideas relevance to social problem which strengthens the education and social growth


  • To implement an ecosystem with necessary infrastructure that enables faculty and students.
  • To develop prototypes that has industrial standards


  • To create an innovative and entrepreneurship development ecosystem.
  • To support innovative ideas and start-ups through financial assistance from the institution.
  • To promote Technology Business incubation centre to create facilities to encourage business start-ups outside the Institution.
  • To enhance Research and Development activities by utilizing TBI center, to help students make innovative products and help them to patent their products.
  • The entrepreneurial activities will be conducted once in two to three months to make the students aware of innovation and start-up opportunities.
  • The in-house startup will be encouraged to coordinate and encourage the mentors and customers to actively participate and to reach the Planned goals.
  • Establishing Collaboration with different entrepreneurship groups to have exposure to market and to develop many products.
  • Encourage products based on public and social concerns to benefit the society.
  • Promotion of efficient skills in entrepreneurship like productive entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth.
  • To encourage startups and to contribute to economic development and global innovation index.
  • Create an encouraging environment to nurture the potential startup.
Sl. No. Name Designation NISP Role
1 Dr.Bhimasen Soragaon Principal, JSSATE, Bangalore Chairman
2 Mr. Veeresh. C.S Administrative Officer Member
3 Dr. D V Ashoka Dean Research Member
4 Dr Mallikarjunaswamy S Associate Professor Member convener
5 Dr. D. Jayadevappa Professor & HoD, Dept of EIE Member
6 Dr. Santhosh B S Associate Professor & HoD, Dept of CIVIL Member
7 Dr. W. Yerriswamy Associate Professor & HoD, Dept of IEM Member
8 Dr. Dayananda P Professor & HoD, Dept of ISE. Member
9 Dr. M S Ranga Raju Professor & HoD, Dept of MBA Member
10 Sanjan S Malagi Alumni ,JSSATEB Member
11 Vinay M E Alumni ,JSSATEB Member
12 Anivatha Bhat Alumni ,JSSATEB Member
13 Yashash B N Student, JSSATEB Member
14 Shuvashi P M Student, JSSATEB Member
15 Shivangi Kapoor Student, JSSATEB Member

Policy Document:

The document of JSS Academy of Technical Education, National Innovation and Startup Policy is divided into following broad categories:

The financial strategy of the institution should include JSSATEB instrument in the innovation and entrepreneurial activities. A minimum of one percent in the total annual budget of the Institution has to be allocated to support and fund the new innovation and start-up related work with the establishment of a dedicated Institutions’ Innovation Council which handles the Innovation funds. The individual autonomy and ownership of initiatives should be provided to to reduce hierarchical barriers and expedite the decision making process. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship development cell in the Institute will make a note of all the achievements of the Institution in this regard. NISP will be implemented using bottom-up approach to encourage all stake holders for their active participation The Institute is responsible for mobilization of resources from internal as well as external resources. A single point mechanism helps in aiding quick decision making.

JSSTAEB aides the efficient usage of infrastructure by all the students and staff based on their requirement. Pre-incubation and incubation process is supported by the institution by resources mobilization from internal and external resources. Students and faculty from all departments can have access to this Pre-Incubation/Incubation facility. Mentoring and other services will be offered to the Pre-incubation and/or Incubation units in-return for fees, equity sharing and (or) zero payment basis. Institute will extend complete support for mobilization of resources from financial institutes like DST, AICTE, MSME, IEDC, CSIR, NIMAT, ASPIRE, MHRD NRDC, Invest India, Start-up India etc and other private organizations.

JSSATEB will ensure exposure of students and staff to innovation and pre-incubation activities. The institution emphasizes on career development and placement of students in reputed companies. The participants are encouraged to think creatively to provide solutions to the existing societal problems. The gap between the incubation centres and companies will be addressed and the education activities will be integrated with enterprise – related activity. JSSATEB_IIC Cell allocates a part of the budget to conduct various activities related to innovation, entrepreneurship development and start-up activities. Events based on networking are organized to create a platform for budding entrepreneurs to meet different investors and discuss their ideas. Development of an innovation tool kit is done and placed on homepage of the Institution to address the queries of the innovators and to promote the facilities available in the institute.

To facilitate development and better coordination of entrepreneurial activities and start-ups at JSSATEB by both faculty and students the norms are created. Sabbatical Leave/Leave without pay can be availed by faculties who hold the executive position in a start-up for more than three months, existing leave can also be availed by the said faculty with the approval of the committee. Research conducted by the start-up/company and any ongoing research in the institute has to be clearly distinguished and separated by the faculty. Research Staff and any other staff from the Institute engaged in academic projects should not be involved in the activities of the start-up by the faculty. During this period of involvement in start-up activities by the faculty, their seniority and other academic benefits will be considered. Students studying in the Institute and involved in entrepreneurial activities or under incubation can use the address of the Institute to register their company with the permission from the higher authority of the Institute. Students can avail a semester/year break to work on their start-up and re-join academics to complete the program. Academic credits can be earned by the students on the basis of Innovative prototypes/ Business Models. The academic credits are awarded based on the progress made by the start-up which is reviewed by a committee. The faculty and the students are allowed to utilize the facilities and the infrastructure available in the Institute.

Entrepreneurial development requires collaboration with various external organizations. JSSATEB has a team of various such potential partners, Resource Organizations, micro, small, medium sized enterprises (MSMEs), social enterprises, Schools, Colleges, Alumni, Professional bodies and entrepreneurs to facilitate collaboration and co-creation/ co-design of entrepreneurial programs. An environment of co-creation and exchange/bidirectional flow of knowledge between such external stakeholders and the faculty and students internal to the Institute is very necessary for entrepreneurial development. In order to manage such business relationships guidelines are developed for both the internal and external stakeholders involved in such entrepreneurial collaborations. Knowledge sharing from such external environment is made available to faculties and students through internships, teaching and research exchange programmes, clubs, social gatherings etc.

Well-defined evaluation parameters are formulated to assess the impact of various stages of entrepreneurial development such as entrepreneurship education, pre-incubation, incubation etc. This entrepreneurial assessment is performed through the monitoring and evaluation of the knowledge exchange initiatives and exchange of all departments and faculty in the entrepreneurial teaching and learning. Also, the various support systems created, new business relationships established in the institute has to be recorded. These records and key performance indicators are used for the Entrepreneurial Impact assessment