JSS Mahavidyapeetha

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru    

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Six UG programs are Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Recognized under 2(f) University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka. Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka.


National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is an autonomous organization that was initiated by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in 1994. Its main objective is to assess and accredit all higher education institutions across the country and to make sure that a particular institute meets all the requirements. In this regard, JSSATEB is preparing SSR to apply for NAAC accreditation. Through this accreditation, JSSATEB intends to provide better academic exposures and even expand the possibility of placement opportunities with international companies. NAAC accreditation for JSSATEB also provides ease in foreign education for further studies.

Criteria Coordinators:

The NAAC Coordination Committee nominated the following faculty members as criteria in charge for collecting necessary data from each department to prepare criteria wise documents at institution level for the SSR of JSSATEB.

Criteria Faculty in charge
IQAC Coordinator Dr. Rekha P M, Prof. HOD, Dept. of ISE
Institute Profile Dr. Prabhudev Jagadeesh, Professor of CSE
Mr. Manohar, Asst. Professor of ECE
Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects Mrs. Bhanumathi K S, Associate. Prof., Dept. of E&IE
Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation Dr. Abhijeet H V. , Assoc. Prof., Dept. of ISE
Dr. Pavithra G S, Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE
Criterion 3: Research, Innovations & Extension Dr. Usha S., Assoc. Prof., Dept. of ECE
Dr. Chamaraja N A, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Chemistry
Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources Dr. Sanjay Shekar, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg.
Criterion 5: Student Support & Progression Dr. Abdul Razak B H, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg.
Dr. Vanishree Beloor, Asst. Prof., IEM
Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership & Management Dr. Yogesh K B, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of ME
Dr. B N Venkatesh, Asst. Prof., Dept. of ME
Criterion 7: Institutional Values & Best Practices Dr. Lathamani B, Assoc. Prof, Dept. of MBA
Dr. Niranjan Kunduru, Assoc. Prof, Dept. of CSE