Coursera is an American Massive Open Online Course provider founded in 2012 by Stanford University. Currently 75+ million learners, 100+ Fortune 500 companies, and more than 6,400 campuses, businesses, and governments access courses for learning - anytime, anywhere.
Coursera courses last approximately four to twelve weeks, with one to two hours of video lectures a week. These courses provide quizzes, weekly exercises, peer-graded and reviewed assignments, an optional Honors assignment and sometimes a final project or exam to complete the course. Courses are also provided on-demand, in which case users can take their time in completing the course with all of the material available at once.
In its latest response to the Corona virus pandemic, Coursera gave college students around the world free access to its entire catalogue of courses. At JSSATE, Bengaluru COURSERA courses were offered to both faculty and students. This helped students to learn job-ready skills and they were certified with Coursera programs in the latest advanced topics.
Total enrollments | 4163 |
Total unique learners | 419 |
Learners who have enrolled in at least one course | 419 |
Current members | 428 |
Total unique courses | 1297 |
Total course completions | 927 |
Total verified course completions | 927 |
Total unique course completers | 223 |
Total estimated hours spent | 10264 |
Learners who have completed 50% of a course | 247 |
Learners who have enrolled in 1 course | 59 |
Learners who have completed 1 course | 71 |
Learners who have enrolled in 2 courses | 92 |
Learners who have completed 2 courses | 56 |
Learners who have enrolled in more than 2 courses | 268 |
Learners who have completed more than 2 courses | 96 |
Dr. Naveen N C
Professor and HOD, CSE Dept.
JSSATE, Bengaluru -560060
Ph: 9845603637,
JE. Mail: