JSS Mahavidyapeetha

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru    

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Six UG programs are Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Recognized under 2(f) University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka. Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka.


The IIF was set up in 1950 to promote education, research, training and development to Indian foundrymen and to serve as a nodal point of reference between the customers and suppliers of the Indian foundry industry on a global scale. With its Head Quarter in Kolkata, IIF presently services the entire country through its 26 Chapters under four Regional Offices located at Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai & Chennai. The IIF is a member of the World Foundrymen Organisation (WFO) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). A student of engineering or science from a recognized school, college or institute or a technical trainee in foundry can qualify for student membership for a maximum of three years.

    The students of Mechanical engineering have the privilege to:

    • Visit Industries and interact with the industrialists
    • Invite experts from industries for guest lectures, technical talks and interaction
    • Undergo internship training , which is a part of the curriculum
    • Conduct workshops and seminars jointly
    • Carryout project work and placement opportunities
    • To support foundry related courses in educational institutions
    • Attend talks & exhibition organized by IIF at reputed places
Sl. No. Event Name Resource persons Date
1 Technical Talk

Dr. Gnanamurthy K, Foundry Industry consultant, Bengaluru

and Dr. Siddaraju, Chairman, Bengaluru Chapter,


The Dept. of ME is engaged in industry-institute interaction through IIF and make sure that the students will be benefited in the form of practical knowledge in latest and advanced technologies, skill development, connecting to industrialists, training and placement.

Following are the office bearers of IIF chapter of JSSATEB:

Sl. No. Name Designation Dept Role
1 Mr. Srikantamurty Assistant Professor ME Coordinator