The Enterprise Resource Planning - (ERP) solution is available at JSS Academy of Technical Education for all the Departments, Establishment & Accounts section, Training & Placement unit and Hostels. The main focus of this solution is to have “Easy Access to Information”, Quantification of OBE implementations and measure of achievables at the Institute level, Department level and finally at the individual course level. The outcome of this solution is helpful toallign orient all academic activities to attain “Excellence” over the time.
Following facilties are currently available at JSASTEB - ERP
Advances in information technology have redefined the way educational institutions handle the academic activities. The centralized ERP brings quick and quantifiable improvement in the administration process, communication and assessment processes. JSSATEB has implemented cloud based ERP automation system and streamlined the complete process. Definitely this has improved the effectiveness of allocating and operating academic resources better.
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Dr. Naveen N C
Professor and HOD, CSE Dept.
JSSATE, Bengaluru -560060
Ph: 9845603637,
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