JSS Mahavidyapeetha

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru    

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Six UG programs are Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Recognized under 2(f) University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka. Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka.

Library and Information Centre

The JSSATE-Bangalore Library is a veritable feast of knowledge and is available to students and faculty. It is housed presently in ground floor of the college building (B Block) with 2018.18-sq.mts. carpet area. It has a comprehensive collection of literature predominantly related to engineering, management, and its allied subjects to meet the present and future information needs of the users.

The Library has a collection of about 48,422 documents. The Library subscribes to important technical journals. The Library also has access to good number of E-Resources from renowned publishers VIZ., Elsevier, Springer Nature, Emerald (Management), Taylor and Francis, and Map Systems Digital Library platform etc. E-Resources can be access anywhere in the campus through Wi-Fi and LAN.

The Infrastructure has a centralized Library with open access facility for students. There is also a book bank facility for needy students to borrow the books for the entire semester and we have a Book Bank facility for socially backward Students & they can borrow 5 books for the entire semester. Library has LIBSOFT Library management Software to facilitate smooth functioning of the Library. Digital Library is established to access on line database and online Journals. Air-conditioned Audio/Visual room also setup for seminars/workshops. Discussion rooms (4 no’s) with white board facility is also provided. Photocopying/printout facilities are available; Departmental Libraries are also setup by all the major departments.

  • Library with 2018.18 Sq.mts area
  • Circulation section is open from 9.00AM -4.00PM, Reference Section is open from 9AM - 9PM
  • Lending & News Paper sections open from 9.00AM -4.00PM and Reference Section is open from 9AM - 9PM.
  • Library is automated using LIBSOFT software with access through web, having own library portal through LAN OPAC Link : (inside the Campus with college internet/Wifi )
  • Web OPAC (outside the Campus)
  • Have Reprographic and Photostat facility
  • Each student can borrow 3 books from lending section and use for 15 days.
  • Having General Book Bank & each student can borrow 5 books and use for entire semester.

Message From Librarian


Mrs. Keertikumari M Awati

Librarian (I/C)

: +91-9481783032

The JSSATE-Bangalore Library is a veritable feast of knowledge and is available to students, faculty, and researchers. It is presently housed in two floors of the college ‘B’ block with 2018.18-sq.mts.carpet area. JSS Academy of Technical Education It has a comprehensive collection of literature predominantly related to engineering, management, and allied subjects to meet the present and future information needs of the users.


  • Library facilitates a fundamental right, the privilege, and ability of students and faculty to chose and pursue any direction of thought, study, or action they wish.


  • JSSATE Library will provide quality services, resources, and lifelong learning opportunities through books and e-resources, a variety of other formats to meet the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs and interest of its diverse and changing knowledge sources.

A treasure of over 48422 volumes and 15566 single titles, covering all branches of engineering and Management.

Department wise book details

Number of Volumes in the Library 48422
Number of Distinct Titles in the Library 15566
Number of Technical Journals/Magazines (Hard Copy) 14
Number of General Magazines 12
Number of Newspapers 12
Number of E-Journals/E-books 4183/10608
Number of CD’s 1339
Number of Back volumes of Journals (Bounded) 1420

26 Technical journals/Magazines (hard copy) are subscribed to the library. Digital library facility is available. It is used for the online access of E-Journals and other E-Resources. On line E-Journals are accessible under VTU Consortium and NDL.

12 News papers, 14 General Magazines are subscribed in our library.

Ground Floor: Circulation & General Book Bank Section, Reprographic, Technical Section, MBA Section Newspaper Section, Discussion Rooms (2no’s)

First Floor: Reference & Digital Library, Audio Visual Section, Discussion Rooms (2no’s)

Knimbus: Cloud hosted Remote Access service (10,000+ E-Books & 5,700+ E-Journals) https://jssate.knimbus.com
Drillbit (Plagiarism Software Online Tool) https://www.drillbitplagirismcheck.com
Name Qualification Designation E-mail Mobile number
Mrs. Keertikumari M Awati B.Sc., MLISc., M Phil., PGDLAN Librarian(I/C) keerthikumariawati@jssateb.ac.in 9481783032
Mr. Muralidhara B A, MLISc., M Phil Asst. Librarian muralidhara@jssateb.ac.in 8971112829
Mr. Kumar D M B.Sc., MLISc., PGDBC Programmer dmkumar@jssateb.ac.in 9480030048
Mr. Basavanna B M.A., BLISc. SDA basavannab@jssateb.ac.in 9739106174
Mr. Chinnaswamy CLISc Library Asst chinnaswamyg@jssateb.ac.in 8088883055
Mr. Siddaraju S H CLISc Library Asst siddarajush@jssateb.ac.in 9141076142
Mr. Arunkumar M S ITI Helper arunmsjss15@gmail.com 9901131726
Mr. Chandru SSLC Attender chandrus@jssateb.ac.in 7259383905
Mr. Shivakumara CLISc Attender shivakumar@jssateb.ac.in 7353825041
Mrs. Nagarathnamma SSLC Attender nagarathnamma@jssateb.ac.in 9164816732
  • The borrower will be responsible for any loss or non-return of any book issued against his/her original or duplicate library borrower’s ticket.
  • Bags, hand bags and personal books are strictly prohibited inside the library.
  • The readers are requested to keep their belongings at the entrance of the library.
  • Borrowed library materials are strictly prohibited to take the same again inside the library.
  • Under special circumstances, the librarian may refuse the issue of books or recall the books already issued from any member without assigning any reason thereof.
  • If the due date falls on a holiday for the library, the next working day will be taken as the due date.
  • Books will be issued to the students only after surrendering the student’s smart cards.
  • If any book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the person responsible shall replace it with a new copy or pay double the cost of the book.
  • Books will be issued subject to availability.
  • Reference books, Newspapers and Magazines/journals should not be taken outside the Library.
  • The Issue counter shall be closed 30 minutes before the closing of the library.
  • Strict and absolute silence shall be observed in the Library
  • Any kind of marking, underlying, clipping of books is absolutely for bidden. Readers shall be held responsible for any damage done to the book belonging to the library and shall be required to replace such book or pay the value thereof.
  • A fine of Rs. 100/- will be charged for each duplicate ID card that is lost.
  • Reference section with 350 seating capacity(1st floor )
  • Borrow section (ground floor)
  • Photocopy /Printout facilities.
  • Digital library / browsing center/language lab (multimedia Pc’s).
  • Discussion rooms (4 No’s with white boards).
  • Air conditioned Audio/Visual room for Seminar, workshops and small presentations.
  • Library automation. (Libsoft software version 12.0).
  • E-mail intimation (transactions) facilities.
  • SMS facilities.
  • Online journals (VTU consortia) and hard copy journals and magazines.
  • Wi-Fi facility.
  • National Digital Library membership (NDL).
  • Anti-plagiarism software
  • Project Reports

The library is using Libsoft Software for the library automation purpose. Books can be search anywhere in the campus as well as outside the campus through LAN and web OPAC. Link (inside the Campus )

Directory of Open Access Journals www.doaj.org
National Digital Library of India www.ndlindia.org
Library of Congress www.loc.gov
Swayam Courses https://swayam.gov.in
Indian Academy of Science http://www.ias.ac.in
Directory of Open Access Books https://www.doabooks.org