JSS Mahavidyapeetha

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru    

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Six UG programs are Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Recognized under 2(f) University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka. Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka.

JSSATEB Green Initiatives

JSSATEB,located in the southern part of Bengaluru which is claimed to be one of the top bio diversity hot spot of the Bengaluru is committed to the protection of environment, responsible and efficient use of natural resources under its permissible limits. The Institution is practicing efficient use of natural resources to embrace pollution prevention and committing itself for sustainable development by initiating green policy.

    The campus adopted sustainable ideas in all its activities. It is designed and maintained with green paths for the student to commute.

  • Recycle of solid waste - Non-degradable wastes.
  • Water harvesting
  • Artificial ecosystem
  • Green waste composting
  • Digital Campus
  • E-Vehicle (EV) usage in campus
  • Integrated waste management
  • Energy efficient building
  • Avenue plantation

    Recycle of solid waste - Non-degradable wastes: Metals, plastics and glass are recycled by giving them to approved scrap vendors.

    The campus is in rolling terrain with catchment area of 85,672 square meter. Annually approximate 64,000 litres of rain water received in campus. Rain water received systematically harvested to recharge the bore wells. Efficient storm water drainages system collects the rain water and recharge the ground water at different locations of campus. Recharge pits are constructed at different locations along the storm water drain.

    An artificial ecosystem created in the campus using treated waste water and lush vegetation. Lake, with storage capacity of 1.35 million liters is, filled with rain water and treated waste water, houses the aquatic animal like fish, pond duck, indigenous birds and other animals.

    Domestic, green and biodegradable waste collected from, hostels and residential facilities on the campus. Trimmed away branches, dried leaves, and all manner of garden waste are composted in designated compost pits. The manure used as fertilizer for gardening.

    A digital campus includes both digital administration and academic management. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software used in the campus to oversee both administration and academic activates. Digital administration termed as e-Administration, or electronic administration is being practice in the campus with an objective of converting the traditional office or paper processes into electronic processes. The goal of this initiative is to create a paperless office. Academic management system encompasses the online platform to execute academic plans, manage time-tables, mark student attendance, capture feedback from students and faculty, generate letters, manage student activity, parent information system and record student disciplinary actions.

    Waste collected at different blocks and hostels are segregated and stored in designated bins at one place. Non-degradable wastes are collected and transported by city corporation garbage collectors.

    All blocks in the campus are designed to consume less electricity during day. Sufficient air circulation and natural light available throughout the day. Wet areas are segregated to reduce the water usage.

    The aesthetics of campus roads improved due to the avenue plantation. Both sides of the 920 meter road are planted with different trees and plants.

    Placard, signage and awareness quotes about plastic usage, water conservation, electricity, carbon emission are installed at vital places to bring the awareness among students and faculty members. JSS Run – Green marathon organized to create the green awareness among the local community.