JSS Mahavidyapeetha

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru    

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Six UG programs are Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Recognized under 2(f) University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka. Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka.

Indian Concrete Institute, Bangalore center Karnataka chapter

Indian Concrete Institute is one of the leading professional bodies in India, catering to the professional needs of individuals and organizations involved in Concrete. Being a non-profit Organization, it is dedicated to the cause of Disseminating Knowledge on Concrete, to Promote Concrete Technology and Construction and to address the Research Needs of Concrete.

    • To promote growth of concrete construction and its sub-specializations.
    • To disseminate information and to arrange to train personnel for the needs of changing concepts in the technology.
    • To identify R & D problems of practical relevance to concrete construction technology.
    • To institute and distribute awards for outstanding achievements in concrete construction technology.
    • To arrange periodical seminars and exhibitions on the subject
    • To arrange annual lecture series on selected topics of relevance to concrete constructions.
Sl. No. Event Name Date
1 International webinar on topic “Smart and Sustainable Cities in India (Issues and Challenges)” 19/09/2020
2 one-day state-level inter college model making competition-KAUSHALYA-2017 03/05/2017

Provides opportunity to discover the hidden talent in the students and to facilitate a platform, to exhibit technical, presentation, and communication skill in organising various events for students in the technical field.

Provides an opportunity for students to interact with industry and academic experts also to fetch internship and placement in reputed industries.