JSS Mahavidyapeetha

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru    

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Six UG programs are Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Recognized under 2(f) University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka. Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka.

Chemistry Department

Chemistry Department

Block A


The Department of Chemistry is one of the first Departments (1997) to function with dedicated faculty members, modern laboratories, a vibrant research atmosphere, ample prospects for hands-on research experience, access to sprouting and precocious research areas such as advanced materials for engineering applications, bio-inorganic chemistry, bio-organic chemistry, tissue engineering, nanomaterials, biocatalysis, coordination chemistry, water treatment and smart materials for food preservation. It is a perfect place for young minds to pursue their higher education in Chemistry. Our devotion to excellence in pedagogy and research has enabled the students to accomplish distinction in academia and industry. With state-of-the-art research facilities and efficient management, our academic staff have participated in several rewarding collaborations with leading multinational specialists in academia and disseminated more than 90 research articles and a few textbooks. The dedication of our department and our faculty members towards research and teaching have been recognized by the funding agencies like DST and VGST with research projects. To carry out research, the R&D lab presently houses equipment such as Gas Chromatograph, Karl Fisher Analyser, Rota-evaporator, UV-Visible spectrophotometer, FT-IR spectrophotometer, and corrosion testing tools. Students are provided a comprehensive practical exposure at regular intervals to diverse instrumental methods necessary for their studies.

Message From HOD


Dr. Roopashree B

Associate Professor & Head

: +91-9449030329

The Department offers core courses in chemistry for undergraduate B.E. and BSc., (Hons) students. The department has been recognized as a research center by VTU in the year 2016 and there are 3 approved guides as resource persons. Currently, 09 research scholars are working for their Ph.D. The faculty members of the department are extremely well qualified and motivated with a strong commitment in line with the Vision of JSS Mahavidyapeetha “Education for All”. The department has 2 independent fully equipped laboratories for successful teaching and research activities. The Department of chemistry emphasises on holistic teaching in an integrated manner. The Department is focused on both teaching and advanced research in the frontier areas of chemistry and its interface with allied disciplines.


  • To empower the students with the fundamentals of chemistry for an active career in technical education and research.


  • To contribute quality education in applied chemistry.

  • To inculcate the significance of chemistry for research and innovation.

# Program Outcomes :-The Graduates will be able to:

Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.


Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.


Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.


Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.


Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.


The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.


Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.


Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.


Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.


Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.


Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.


Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The Department academic advisory committee comprises of the Principal, HOD, Senior Faculty and external academicians. The committee will review the academic quality and suggests improvements in the related areas.



Dr. Bhimasen Soragaon


JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru

E-mail: principal@jssateb.ac.in, Ph No: 9448234414



Dr. B Mahesh

Professor of Chemistry & Dean-Research

Department of Chemistry,

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru

E-mail: deanresearch@jssateb.ac.in



Dr. Roopashree B

Associate Professor & Head

Department of Chemistry,

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru

E-mail: hodchemistry@jssateb.ac.in, Ph No: 9449030329



Dr. C Shivakumara

Principal Research Scientist,

Solid state and structural Chemistry Unit, IISC, Bengaluru

E-mail: shiva@iisc.ac.in



Dr. Praveen T K

Professor & Head

Dept. of Pharmacology, JSSCP


E-mail: praveentk@jssuni.edu.in



Dr. P Mallu

Professor & Head, Dean Science

JSS Science & Technology University, Mysuru.

e-mail: drmallu66@gmail.com


Program Assessment Committee

Program Assessment Committee – PAC is constituted to assess the academic process of the program.

The following are the roles of the Program Assessment Committee:

1. Assist in framing Course Outcomes and mapping COs to POs / PSOs.
2. Contribute in the Teaching Learning Process of the program.
3. Suggest the additional assessment techniques other than CIE.
4. Verify the course and program attainment process.
5. Verify the action plans and their attainment in each course.

PAC comprises: HOD as the chairman, Four Faculty members as members and one convener.

1. Dr. B Mahesh (Dean-Research & Professor of chemistry ) - Member

2. Dr. Roopashree B ( Associate Professor & Head ) - Chairman

3. Dr. Kathyayani D (Assistant Professor ) - Member

4. Dr. Puneetha J ( Assistant Professor ) - Member

5. Dr. Chamaraja N. A ( Assistant Professor ) - Convener

6. Ms. Bindhu S (Assistant Professor) - Member

Details on Lab facilities

Name of the Laboratory Name of the Important Equipment
Engineering Chemistry Lab

De-ionizer plant, Distillation unit, Flame Photometers, Photoelectric colorimeter, Digital pH meters, Shimadzu electronic weighing balance, conductivity meters, Oil vacuum pump.

Research Lab

FTIR spectrophotometer, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, Gas Chromatograph, Density Hydrometers, Viscosity bath and Viscometers, Pensky Martens closed cup apparatus, Copper strip corrosion test apparatus with digital temperature control–cum-indicator, Digital Potentiometer (MV titrator), Oil centrifuge, Karl Fisher Moisture analyzer digital automatic, Hot Air Oven, Muffle Furnace, Rota vapor + High-pressure vacuum pump + Chiller, Refrigerator, Geared stirrers, UV-viewing cabinet, Deep Freezer, Soxhlet extractors, and Ultrasound Sonicator.


# Name Qualification
Designation Exp Yrs DOJ Nature of Association Profile Email Id
1 Dr. B Mahesh M.Sc., Ph.D.
(Synthetic Organic Chemistry)
Dean Research & Professor
Click Here
2 Dr. Roopashree B M.Sc., Ph.D.
(Co-ordination and Bio-Inorganic Chemistry)
Associate Professor & Head
Click Here
3 Dr. Kathyayani D M.Sc, Ph.D.
(Peptide synthesis)
Assistant Professor
Click Here
4 Dr. Puneetha J M.Sc., Ph.D.
(Nanomaterial synthesis for Environmental remediation)
Assistant Professsor
Click Here
5 Dr. N A Chamaraja M.Sc., Ph.D.
(Analytical Chemistry)
Assistant Professsor
Click Here
6 Ms.Bindhu S M.Sc.,(Ph.D.)
(Polymer Science)
Assistant Professsor
Click Here
1 Basavaraju B.R
MSc.,(Chemistry), PGDCA,
Lab Instructor
2 Mr. Manjunatha
Lab Instructor
1 Suresha C.S.
B.A., B.Lib.,
Lab Helper

Research Initiatives

Department has an R&D center recognized by VTU, Belagavi in the year 2016 with provision for Ph.D. (Full Time / Part-Time). The faculty are involved both in teaching as well as research and have published research papers in various national and international journals. At present,three faculty members are guiding the students for a Ph.D. degree and two funded projects have been completed successfully. Students and research scholars are encouraged to take up interdisciplinary research in various domains.

  • Dr. N A Chamaraja, Asst. Professor of Chemistry was awarded with "Prof. M Mohisn Qureshi Award-2024" under Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Section by Indian Council of Chemists. This accolade has been conferred on him for the best oral presentation in the 43ʳᵈ annual conference held at Pune from 26-28ᵗʰ Dec. 2024

  • "Silver Medal" is awarded to Dr. Kathyayani D and Dr. Mahesh B, for the project titled "Insights into the physicochemical characteristics and miscibility of chitosan/polypeptide blends: Promising material for wound healing" under the category of invention and technology called "Healthy Society" at the annual International Exhibition of Inventions and Technology InnoWings held on June 06-07, 2024, at Lublin University, Poland.

  • "Silver Medal" is awarded to Dr. Mahesh B and Mrs Kathyayani D, for the project titled "Design of innovative wound healing materials from synthetic polypeptides with Collagen" under the category of invention and technology called "Healthy Society" at the annual International Exhibition of Inventions and Technology InnoWings held on June 15-16, 2023, at Lublin University, Poland.

  • Dr. Mahesh B, Dean-Research and Professor of Chemistry, has been sanctioned Rs. 30 Lakhs by VGST (2015-18), Government of Karnataka under the scheme CISEE (GRD-326) for the “Establishment of R & D facilities for the synthesis, characterization, and study on applications of protein-based polymers” and completed successfully.

  • Dr A Rathna, Professor, Chemistry has been sanctioned Rs. 19.2 lakhs (Ref No. DST/TSG/AF/2008/54) to set up the “Development of laboratory testing facilty for bio-diesel production centre” by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi- Project completed successfully.

  • Department is recognized as an R&D center, VTU- Belagavi, 01 student successfully completed the Ph.D. degree and 09 students pursuing Ph.D.

  • Dr. Roopashree B. Received “Best Paper Award” (II prize) for the research paperentitled “Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of cobalt complexes containing 2(3'-N-Salicylidinephenyl) benzimidazole” (oral presentation), Recent trends in Chemical Research, Dept. of chemistry, SJCE, Mysuru, 3rd– 4thJan 2014.

The following Research Scholars have been awarded with Ph.D degree from VTU University.

Guide Research Scholar Title University Year of Award
Dr. B Mahesh Nanjundaswamy G.S Synthesis, characterization and miscibility studies of some selected peptides with other polymers. VTU 2020
Dr. B Mahesh Kathyayani D Synthesis and characterization of polypeptides:Examination on the miscibility of their blends with commercially available polymers for therapeutic applications VTU 2023
Dr. B Mahesh Kokila N R Phytochemical investigation and pharmacological screening of selected medicinal plants. VTU 2024

Research Guides and Areas Available for Ph.D Programs

Research Guide Area of Specialization
Dr. B Mahesh Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Natural Chemistry, Nano materials, Peptide-based materials
Dr. Roopashree B Coordination chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Solar cells
Dr. Chamaraja N A Bio- Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Nanochemistry

External Research scholar Pursuing Ph.D under VTU Research Centre, Chemistry Dept.

# Guide Research Scholar
Research Topic
1 Dr. B Mahesh
Lokesh H R Design and synthesis of polypeptide: A study on physicochemical characteristics and their blends with commercially available polymers for wound therapeutic applications.
VTU November 2015
Completed Course work
Mr. Siddegowda K S

A Study on synthesis, Characterization, antimicrobial and electro-catalytic activity of metal oxide Nanoparticles.

VTU November 2017
Comprehensive viva completed
Asha S C

Development of Smart food packaging materials.

VTU November 2021
Completed Course work
Dr. B Mahesh
Preethi G

Study on Polymer-Metal Complex Composites containing Substituted Benzimidazoles for Optical and Electrical applications

VTU December 2017
Comprehensive viva completed
2 Dr. Roopashree B Preethi G

Study on Polymer-Metal Complex Composites containing Substituted Benzimidazoles for Optical and Electrical applications .

VTU December 2017
Comprehensive viva completed
Dr. Roopashree B
Bharath M J

Fabrication & characterization of low cost Dye Sensitized solar cells employing natural dyes.

VTU December 2017
Completed Course work
3 Dr. Chamaraja N A
Mr. Praveen Kumar C

Development of new analytical methods for the assay of some biologically important enzymes.

VTU September 2017
Comprehensive viva completed
Mr. Shivakumara Aradhya*

Development of new chromogenic reagents for the trace determination of some metals and non metals of environmental interest.

VTU September 2017
Course work Completed

*External Research scholar Pursuing Ph.D under VTU Research Centre of other institution under the Guidance of Dr. Chamaraja N A.

Industry Institute Interaction:

1. The department has signed MoU with JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru on 07.9.2020.
2. The department has signed MoU with JSS Medical college, Mysuru on 19.2.2021.

Funded Research:

Project Title
Principal Investigator
Funding Agency

Development of laboratory testing facility for bio-diesel production centre at JSSATE”.

Dr. Rathna A
2 Years DST, New Delhi 1920000/- Completed

Establishment of R & D lab facilities for “synthesis, characterization and study on applications of protein based polymers”.

Dr. B Mahesh
3 Equal Instalments VGST, Department of IT,S&T and BT, Govt. of Karnataka 3000000/- Completed

“International Conference on Polymers for Sustainable Development” was organized by the Department in association with Nicolaus Copernicus University, In Torun, Poland on 07.02.2025 online.

"National Science Fair-24" was conducted between 25th to 27th August 2024 and was inaugurated by Sri A. S. Kiran Kumar, Padma Shri awardee and former ISRO Chairman, Bengaluru.National Science Fair-24embodies Exhibition, Technical Talk, Unmasking Pseudo Miracles, the Importance of hygiene and anxiety management,Hands-on activity on Science, Technology, Education, Arts and Maths, Skywatch and HAM radio

"National Science Fair-23" was conducted between 31st August to 2nd September 2023 and was inaugurated by Padmashri Dr. Ayyappan S, Chairman Karnataka Science & Technology Academy, Bengaluru, Chancellor Central Agricultural University, Impal, Former Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR; President, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi. National Science Fair-23 embody Exhibition, Technical Talk, Hands on activity on Science, Technology, Education, Arts and Maths, Sky watch and HAM radio

•One day Faculty Orientation Program for VTU affiliated College Teachers on Revised Chemistry Syllabus-2022” was organised by the Department in Association with Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi on 24.11.2022

•National Science Fair-22" was conducted between 21st July 2022 to 23rd July 2022 and was inaugurated by Padmashree Dr. A. S. Kiran kumar, Former Chairman, Indian Space Research Organization, Bengaluru. National Science Fair-22 embody Exhibition, Technical Talk, Hands on activity on Science, Technology, Education, Arts and Maths, Sky watch and HAM radio

•The department has conducted a VTU-VGST sponsored Faculty development Programme in the field of “Recent Trends in Applied Chemistry and Nanotechnology” from 26th to 30th of March 2012 for faculties of VTU affiliated Engineering colleges.

In addition to the chalk and board method of teaching the faculty adopt various methods of teaching such as flipped classroom (Circulate Video & Audio material in advance & discuss the related topics in the class), google classroom where students can access study materials, Assignments, Quiz questions. The Department has initiated Research-based Pedagogical Tools (RBPT). This is a student centric learning activity that inculcates critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and team work.

Faculty members and research scholars undertake research work along with their regular teaching workload. They have published around 67 Articles in Journals / Conferences. Some of the quality publications are listed here.

International Journals

Department News Letter 2025 :Click here to view