Report on Symposium – “Linear algebra and its applications in Computer Vision”

As a part of Birth Centenary celebrations of His Holiness Jagadguru Dr. Sri. Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamigalavaru, Founder of JSS Mahavidyapeetha, Mysuru, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore has organized a 4-day Symposium on “Linear algebra and its applications in Computer Vision” from 13th  to 16th July, 2016.

The Chief guest of the program, Dr. Arulalan Rajan, Faculty, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NITK, Suratkal has inaugurated the event on 13th july 2016. He has addressed the gathering by highlighting the importance of linear algebra in the field of Engineering, specifically in Computer Vision. Dr. Mrityunjaya V. Latte, Principal, JSSATE, Bangalore presided the function and enlightened the participants by his presidential remarks.    Dr. Prabhudev Jagadeesh, Professor and Head, Department of CSE as Convener of the Symposium welcomed the Guests and Participants.  Dr. P. B. Mallikarjuna, Programme Coordinator has given an overview of four days symposium on “Linear algebra and its applications in Computer Vision”. Finally, Dr. Nagasundara K. B. proposed the vote of thanks.

A total of 50 participants (Faculties, Students and Industrial Professionals) from various engineering colleges across Karnataka and Industry were participated in the event.

Objectives of the Symposium

  • Understand the basic concepts of linear algebra such as Linear equations and solutions, Linear transformations and Geometrical aspects of linear algebra.
  • Introduction on Computer Vision and Projective Geometry
  • Understand the concepts of Eigen value, Eigen Vector and Diagonalization
  • Applications of linear algebra in Computer Vision
  • Implementation of Subspace methods

The above mentioned objectives were attained in four days symposium by the following Resource Persons.

  1. Ashok Rao, Former head, Network Project, CEDT, IISc, Bengaluru
  2. Arulal Rajan, Faculty in Dept. of E&C, NITK Surthkal
  3. Manjunath S, Chief Engineer, Samsung Co. Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru
  4. Punitha S, Group Manager, IBM, Bengaluru
  5. Pradeep C. R., Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, CIT, Gubbi
  6. P. B. Mallikarjuna, Associate Professor, Dept. of CS & E, JSSATE, Bengaluru
  7. K. B. Nagasundara, Associate Professor, Dept. of CS & E, JSSATE, Bengaluru

Outcome of the Symposium

  • PG students could take up projects on Computer Vision.
  • Industrial professionals could apply the knowledge of linear algebra in developing softwares on image processing and artificial systems.
  • Research Scholars and Faculty members could explore new avenues in Linear Algebra and Computer Vision.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Programme Coordinator

 (Dr. P. B. Mallikarjuna)

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